Use the CTU quarto html template This function will download and optionally open the quarto markdown (qmd) file and the other necessary files from github.
Use the CTU quarto revealjs presentation template This function will download and optionally open the quarto markdown (qmd) file and the other necessary files from github.
Use the CTU quarto html recruitment report template This function will download and optionally open the quarto markdown (qmd) file and the other necessary files from github.
Use the CTU quarto html sample size report template This function will download and optionally open the quarto markdown (qmd) file and the other necessary files from github.
Use the CTU quarto typst template This function will download and optionally open the quarto markdown (qmd) file and the other necessary files from github.
use_qmd_html(save_in = ".", open = TRUE)
use_qmd_pres(save_in = ".", open = TRUE)
use_qmd_htmlrecruitment(save_in = ".", open = TRUE)
use_qmd_htmlsampsi(save_in = ".", open = TRUE)
use_qmd_typst(save_in = ".", open = TRUE)
: revealjs Presentation Template
: Recruitment Report Template
: Sample Size Report Template
: Sample Size Report Template
# dir <- tempdir()
# file <- file.path(dir, "filename.qmd")
# use_qmd_html(file, FALSE)
# in practice at CTU:
# use_qmd_html("08_Reports_xx/ReportName.qmd", TRUE)
# dir <- tempdir()
# file <- file.path(dir, "filename.qmd")
# use_qmd_pres(file, FALSE)
# in practice at CTU:
# use_qmd_pres("08_Reports_xx/ReportName.qmd", TRUE)
# dir <- tempdir()
# file <- file.path(dir, "filename.qmd")
# use_qmd_html(file, FALSE)
# in practice at CTU:
# use_qmd_htmlrecruitment("08_Reports_xx/ReportName.qmd", TRUE)
# dir <- tempdir()
# file <- file.path(dir, "filename.qmd")
# use_qmd_html(file, FALSE)
# in practice at CTU:
# use_qmd_htmlrecruitment("08_Reports_xx/ReportName.qmd", TRUE)
# dir <- tempdir()
# file <- file.path(dir, "filename.qmd")
# use_qmd_html(file, FALSE)
# in practice at CTU:
# use_qmd_typst("08_Reports_xx/ReportName.qmd", TRUE)