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This function allows the use of the asr_safety_summary function outside of the normal asr function, which might be desirable to get an overview of the information in a different format to MS Word.


  trial_type = "imp",
  international = FALSE,
  period_from = NA,
  period_to = NA,
  var_class = "class",
  var_sae_n = "sae_n",
  var_part_id = "record_id",
  var_age = "age",
  var_sex = "sex",
  var_country = "country",
  var_site = "site",
  var_sae = "sae",
  var_date_onset = "sae_date",
  var_trt = "trt",
  var_date_trt_start = "sae_trtstart",
  var_date_trt_stop = "sae_trtstop",
  var_outcome = "outcome",
  var_comment = "comment",
  var_relation = "related",
  var_expected = "expected",
  var_devdef = "devdef",
  var_devattr = "devattr",
  var_devint = "devint",
  var_safetymeasure = "safetymeasure",
  var_tx = NULL



dataframe containing safety data


one of imp, medical device, other. Abbreviations OK.


internation or national trial (logical)


start of reporting period


end of reporting period


variable containing SAE class. Options allowed are "SAE", "SADR", "SUSAR"


variable containing SAE ID


variable containing participant ID


variable containing participant age


variable containing participant sex


variable containing participants country


variable containing participants site


variable containing SAE type (description)


variable containing the date the SAE occured


variable containing the treatment used to alleviate the SAE


variable containing the date that the treatment started


variable containing the date that the treatment ended


variable containing the outcome of the SAE


variable containing any comment


variable containing the relationship to randomized intervention


variable saying whether the SAE was expected


variable containing whether the SAE is a device deficiency


variable containing whether the SAE is attributable to the device


variable containing whether the SAE is attributable to an intervention in the trial


variable containing whether the SAE required safety related measures


variable indicating the intervention group. If provided, this variable will be included in the line listing


a list of 2 dataframes (data containing all data submitted to the function and period_data which contains only the data for the relevant period) with variables renamed to those expected by asr_safety_summary


asr_dataprep(asr_sae, period_from = as.Date("2020-10-10"), period_to = as.Date("2021-10-10"))
#> $data
#>      sae_date record_id age sex country site                         sae
#> 9  15/10/2020       131  48   M      CH    b                  poor sleep
#> 18 15/10/2020       182  61   M      CH    c                    headache
#> 19 15/10/2020       184  51   M      CH    j spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 6  16/10/2020        66  72   M      CH    e                    headache
#> 14 17/10/2020       299  65   F      CH    e                  poor sleep
#> 5  20/10/2020       122  49   M      CH    e spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 16 25/10/2020       117  59   M      CH    l spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 17 25/10/2020        79  49   M      CH    d spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 15 26/10/2020       258  73   F      CH    k                       death
#> 2  27/10/2020       212  60   F      CH    f                     diarhea
#> 8  27/10/2020       108  68   F      CH    a                    headache
#> 20 01/11/2020       221  72   F      CH    d                       death
#> 3  02/11/2020       195  47   F      CH    j                    headache
#> 12 02/11/2020       228  47   M      CH    j spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 13 06/11/2020       298  55   F      CH    b spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 1  08/11/2020        40  54   M      CH    f                  poor sleep
#> 10 14/11/2020        41  61   F      CH    n                    headache
#> 4  17/11/2020        93  62   M      CH    f spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 7  18/11/2020       175  45   M      CH    m                  poor sleep
#> 11 19/11/2020       115  57   F      CH    f                     diarhea
#>    intervention  outcome comment  trt class expected devdef devattr devint
#> 9          grp2    Fatal  foobar trt3   SAE    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 18         grp2   Sequel         trt3 SUSAR    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 19         grp1  Unknown fribble trt3   SAE     TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 6          grp2 Resolved     foo trt4  SADR    FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   TRUE
#> 14         grp1 Improved     foo trt2 SUSAR     TRUE  FALSE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 5          grp2    Fatal fribble        SAE    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 16         grp2 Resolved fribble       SADR     TRUE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 17         grp1   Sequel     foo      SUSAR    FALSE  FALSE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 15         grp1 Resolved fribble trt4  SADR    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 2          grp1   Sequel  foobar trt3 SUSAR    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 8          grp1 Improved     foo trt2   SAE    FALSE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 20         grp1 Resolved  foobar trt4   SAE    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 3          grp2   Sequel fribble trt1   SAE     TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 12         grp2 Resolved fribble trt2   SAE    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 13         grp1 Resolved     foo       SADR     TRUE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 1          grp2 Resolved     foo trt3  SADR    FALSE  FALSE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 10         grp2  Unknown         trt3 SUSAR     TRUE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 4          grp1 Improved     foo trt3   SAE     TRUE  FALSE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 7          grp2 Resolved     bar trt2   SAE    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 11         grp1    Fatal     foo trt2 SUSAR    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE   TRUE
#>    safetymeasure sae_n sae_trtstop sae_trtstart related agesex country_site
#> 9           TRUE     1  16/10/2020   16/10/2020    TRUE   48/M            b
#> 18          TRUE     2        <NA>   16/10/2020   FALSE   61/M            c
#> 19         FALSE     3        <NA>   16/10/2020   FALSE   51/M            j
#> 6           TRUE     4  17/10/2020   17/10/2020   FALSE   72/M            e
#> 14         FALSE     5        <NA>   18/10/2020    TRUE   65/F            e
#> 5           TRUE     6        <NA>         <NA>   FALSE   49/M            e
#> 16          TRUE     7        <NA>         <NA>   FALSE   59/M            l
#> 17         FALSE     8        <NA>         <NA>    TRUE   49/M            d
#> 15          TRUE     9  27/10/2020   27/10/2020   FALSE   73/F            k
#> 2           TRUE    10        <NA>   28/10/2020   FALSE   60/F            f
#> 8           TRUE    11        <NA>   28/10/2020   FALSE   68/F            a
#> 20         FALSE    12  02/11/2020   02/11/2020   FALSE   72/F            d
#> 3           TRUE    13        <NA>   03/11/2020   FALSE   47/F            j
#> 12          TRUE    14  03/11/2020   03/11/2020   FALSE   47/M            j
#> 13         FALSE    15        <NA>         <NA>    TRUE   55/F            b
#> 1          FALSE    16  09/11/2020   09/11/2020   FALSE   54/M            f
#> 10         FALSE    17        <NA>   15/11/2020    TRUE   61/F            n
#> 4          FALSE    18        <NA>   18/11/2020   FALSE   62/M            f
#> 7           TRUE    19  19/11/2020   19/11/2020   FALSE   45/M            m
#> 11          TRUE    20  20/11/2020   20/11/2020   FALSE   57/F            f
#>                  trt_dates
#> 9  16/10/2020 - 16/10/2020
#> 18              16/10/2020
#> 19              16/10/2020
#> 6  17/10/2020 - 17/10/2020
#> 14              18/10/2020
#> 5                         
#> 16                        
#> 17                        
#> 15 27/10/2020 - 27/10/2020
#> 2               28/10/2020
#> 8               28/10/2020
#> 20 02/11/2020 - 02/11/2020
#> 3               03/11/2020
#> 12 03/11/2020 - 03/11/2020
#> 13                        
#> 1  09/11/2020 - 09/11/2020
#> 10              15/11/2020
#> 4               18/11/2020
#> 7  19/11/2020 - 19/11/2020
#> 11 20/11/2020 - 20/11/2020
#> $period_data
#>      sae_date record_id age sex country site                         sae
#> 9  2020-10-15       131  48   M      CH    b                  poor sleep
#> 18 2020-10-15       182  61   M      CH    c                    headache
#> 19 2020-10-15       184  51   M      CH    j spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 6  2020-10-16        66  72   M      CH    e                    headache
#> 14 2020-10-17       299  65   F      CH    e                  poor sleep
#> 5  2020-10-20       122  49   M      CH    e spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 16 2020-10-25       117  59   M      CH    l spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 17 2020-10-25        79  49   M      CH    d spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 15 2020-10-26       258  73   F      CH    k                       death
#> 2  2020-10-27       212  60   F      CH    f                     diarhea
#> 8  2020-10-27       108  68   F      CH    a                    headache
#> 20 2020-11-01       221  72   F      CH    d                       death
#> 3  2020-11-02       195  47   F      CH    j                    headache
#> 12 2020-11-02       228  47   M      CH    j spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 13 2020-11-06       298  55   F      CH    b spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 1  2020-11-08        40  54   M      CH    f                  poor sleep
#> 10 2020-11-14        41  61   F      CH    n                    headache
#> 4  2020-11-17        93  62   M      CH    f spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 7  2020-11-18       175  45   M      CH    m                  poor sleep
#> 11 2020-11-19       115  57   F      CH    f                     diarhea
#>    intervention  outcome comment  trt class expected devdef devattr devint
#> 9          grp2    fatal  foobar trt3   SAE    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 18         grp2   sequel         trt3 SUSAR    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 19         grp1  unknown fribble trt3   SAE     TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 6          grp2 resolved     foo trt4  SADR    FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   TRUE
#> 14         grp1 improved     foo trt2 SUSAR     TRUE  FALSE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 5          grp2    fatal fribble        SAE    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 16         grp2 resolved fribble       SADR     TRUE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 17         grp1   sequel     foo      SUSAR    FALSE  FALSE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 15         grp1 resolved fribble trt4  SADR    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 2          grp1   sequel  foobar trt3 SUSAR    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 8          grp1 improved     foo trt2   SAE    FALSE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 20         grp1 resolved  foobar trt4   SAE    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 3          grp2   sequel fribble trt1   SAE     TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 12         grp2 resolved fribble trt2   SAE    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 13         grp1 resolved     foo       SADR     TRUE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 1          grp2 resolved     foo trt3  SADR    FALSE  FALSE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 10         grp2  unknown         trt3 SUSAR     TRUE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 4          grp1 improved     foo trt3   SAE     TRUE  FALSE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 7          grp2 resolved     bar trt2   SAE    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 11         grp1    fatal     foo trt2 SUSAR    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE   TRUE
#>    safetymeasure sae_n sae_trtstop sae_trtstart related agesex country_site
#> 9           TRUE     1  2020-10-16   2020-10-16    TRUE   48/M            b
#> 18          TRUE     2        <NA>   2020-10-16   FALSE   61/M            c
#> 19         FALSE     3        <NA>   2020-10-16   FALSE   51/M            j
#> 6           TRUE     4  2020-10-17   2020-10-17   FALSE   72/M            e
#> 14         FALSE     5        <NA>   2020-10-18    TRUE   65/F            e
#> 5           TRUE     6        <NA>         <NA>   FALSE   49/M            e
#> 16          TRUE     7        <NA>         <NA>   FALSE   59/M            l
#> 17         FALSE     8        <NA>         <NA>    TRUE   49/M            d
#> 15          TRUE     9  2020-10-27   2020-10-27   FALSE   73/F            k
#> 2           TRUE    10        <NA>   2020-10-28   FALSE   60/F            f
#> 8           TRUE    11        <NA>   2020-10-28   FALSE   68/F            a
#> 20         FALSE    12  2020-11-02   2020-11-02   FALSE   72/F            d
#> 3           TRUE    13        <NA>   2020-11-03   FALSE   47/F            j
#> 12          TRUE    14  2020-11-03   2020-11-03   FALSE   47/M            j
#> 13         FALSE    15        <NA>         <NA>    TRUE   55/F            b
#> 1          FALSE    16  2020-11-09   2020-11-09   FALSE   54/M            f
#> 10         FALSE    17        <NA>   2020-11-15    TRUE   61/F            n
#> 4          FALSE    18        <NA>   2020-11-18   FALSE   62/M            f
#> 7           TRUE    19  2020-11-19   2020-11-19   FALSE   45/M            m
#> 11          TRUE    20  2020-11-20   2020-11-20   FALSE   57/F            f
asr_dataprep(asr_sae, period_from = min(asr_sae$sae_date), period_to = Sys.Date())
#> $data
#>      sae_date record_id age sex country site                         sae
#> 9  15/10/2020       131  48   M      CH    b                  poor sleep
#> 18 15/10/2020       182  61   M      CH    c                    headache
#> 19 15/10/2020       184  51   M      CH    j spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 6  16/10/2020        66  72   M      CH    e                    headache
#> 14 17/10/2020       299  65   F      CH    e                  poor sleep
#> 5  20/10/2020       122  49   M      CH    e spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 16 25/10/2020       117  59   M      CH    l spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 17 25/10/2020        79  49   M      CH    d spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 15 26/10/2020       258  73   F      CH    k                       death
#> 2  27/10/2020       212  60   F      CH    f                     diarhea
#> 8  27/10/2020       108  68   F      CH    a                    headache
#> 20 01/11/2020       221  72   F      CH    d                       death
#> 3  02/11/2020       195  47   F      CH    j                    headache
#> 12 02/11/2020       228  47   M      CH    j spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 13 06/11/2020       298  55   F      CH    b spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 1  08/11/2020        40  54   M      CH    f                  poor sleep
#> 10 14/11/2020        41  61   F      CH    n                    headache
#> 4  17/11/2020        93  62   M      CH    f spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 7  18/11/2020       175  45   M      CH    m                  poor sleep
#> 11 19/11/2020       115  57   F      CH    f                     diarhea
#>    intervention  outcome comment  trt class expected devdef devattr devint
#> 9          grp2    Fatal  foobar trt3   SAE    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 18         grp2   Sequel         trt3 SUSAR    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 19         grp1  Unknown fribble trt3   SAE     TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 6          grp2 Resolved     foo trt4  SADR    FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   TRUE
#> 14         grp1 Improved     foo trt2 SUSAR     TRUE  FALSE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 5          grp2    Fatal fribble        SAE    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 16         grp2 Resolved fribble       SADR     TRUE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 17         grp1   Sequel     foo      SUSAR    FALSE  FALSE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 15         grp1 Resolved fribble trt4  SADR    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 2          grp1   Sequel  foobar trt3 SUSAR    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 8          grp1 Improved     foo trt2   SAE    FALSE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 20         grp1 Resolved  foobar trt4   SAE    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 3          grp2   Sequel fribble trt1   SAE     TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 12         grp2 Resolved fribble trt2   SAE    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 13         grp1 Resolved     foo       SADR     TRUE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 1          grp2 Resolved     foo trt3  SADR    FALSE  FALSE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 10         grp2  Unknown         trt3 SUSAR     TRUE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 4          grp1 Improved     foo trt3   SAE     TRUE  FALSE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 7          grp2 Resolved     bar trt2   SAE    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 11         grp1    Fatal     foo trt2 SUSAR    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE   TRUE
#>    safetymeasure sae_n sae_trtstop sae_trtstart related agesex country_site
#> 9           TRUE     1  16/10/2020   16/10/2020    TRUE   48/M            b
#> 18          TRUE     2        <NA>   16/10/2020   FALSE   61/M            c
#> 19         FALSE     3        <NA>   16/10/2020   FALSE   51/M            j
#> 6           TRUE     4  17/10/2020   17/10/2020   FALSE   72/M            e
#> 14         FALSE     5        <NA>   18/10/2020    TRUE   65/F            e
#> 5           TRUE     6        <NA>         <NA>   FALSE   49/M            e
#> 16          TRUE     7        <NA>         <NA>   FALSE   59/M            l
#> 17         FALSE     8        <NA>         <NA>    TRUE   49/M            d
#> 15          TRUE     9  27/10/2020   27/10/2020   FALSE   73/F            k
#> 2           TRUE    10        <NA>   28/10/2020   FALSE   60/F            f
#> 8           TRUE    11        <NA>   28/10/2020   FALSE   68/F            a
#> 20         FALSE    12  02/11/2020   02/11/2020   FALSE   72/F            d
#> 3           TRUE    13        <NA>   03/11/2020   FALSE   47/F            j
#> 12          TRUE    14  03/11/2020   03/11/2020   FALSE   47/M            j
#> 13         FALSE    15        <NA>         <NA>    TRUE   55/F            b
#> 1          FALSE    16  09/11/2020   09/11/2020   FALSE   54/M            f
#> 10         FALSE    17        <NA>   15/11/2020    TRUE   61/F            n
#> 4          FALSE    18        <NA>   18/11/2020   FALSE   62/M            f
#> 7           TRUE    19  19/11/2020   19/11/2020   FALSE   45/M            m
#> 11          TRUE    20  20/11/2020   20/11/2020   FALSE   57/F            f
#>                  trt_dates
#> 9  16/10/2020 - 16/10/2020
#> 18              16/10/2020
#> 19              16/10/2020
#> 6  17/10/2020 - 17/10/2020
#> 14              18/10/2020
#> 5                         
#> 16                        
#> 17                        
#> 15 27/10/2020 - 27/10/2020
#> 2               28/10/2020
#> 8               28/10/2020
#> 20 02/11/2020 - 02/11/2020
#> 3               03/11/2020
#> 12 03/11/2020 - 03/11/2020
#> 13                        
#> 1  09/11/2020 - 09/11/2020
#> 10              15/11/2020
#> 4               18/11/2020
#> 7  19/11/2020 - 19/11/2020
#> 11 20/11/2020 - 20/11/2020
#> $period_data
#>      sae_date record_id age sex country site                         sae
#> 9  2020-10-15       131  48   M      CH    b                  poor sleep
#> 18 2020-10-15       182  61   M      CH    c                    headache
#> 19 2020-10-15       184  51   M      CH    j spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 6  2020-10-16        66  72   M      CH    e                    headache
#> 14 2020-10-17       299  65   F      CH    e                  poor sleep
#> 5  2020-10-20       122  49   M      CH    e spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 16 2020-10-25       117  59   M      CH    l spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 17 2020-10-25        79  49   M      CH    d spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 15 2020-10-26       258  73   F      CH    k                       death
#> 2  2020-10-27       212  60   F      CH    f                     diarhea
#> 8  2020-10-27       108  68   F      CH    a                    headache
#> 20 2020-11-01       221  72   F      CH    d                       death
#> 3  2020-11-02       195  47   F      CH    j                    headache
#> 12 2020-11-02       228  47   M      CH    j spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 13 2020-11-06       298  55   F      CH    b spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 1  2020-11-08        40  54   M      CH    f                  poor sleep
#> 10 2020-11-14        41  61   F      CH    n                    headache
#> 4  2020-11-17        93  62   M      CH    f spontaneous unconsciousness
#> 7  2020-11-18       175  45   M      CH    m                  poor sleep
#> 11 2020-11-19       115  57   F      CH    f                     diarhea
#>    intervention  outcome comment  trt class expected devdef devattr devint
#> 9          grp2    fatal  foobar trt3   SAE    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 18         grp2   sequel         trt3 SUSAR    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 19         grp1  unknown fribble trt3   SAE     TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 6          grp2 resolved     foo trt4  SADR    FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   TRUE
#> 14         grp1 improved     foo trt2 SUSAR     TRUE  FALSE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 5          grp2    fatal fribble        SAE    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 16         grp2 resolved fribble       SADR     TRUE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 17         grp1   sequel     foo      SUSAR    FALSE  FALSE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 15         grp1 resolved fribble trt4  SADR    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 2          grp1   sequel  foobar trt3 SUSAR    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 8          grp1 improved     foo trt2   SAE    FALSE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 20         grp1 resolved  foobar trt4   SAE    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 3          grp2   sequel fribble trt1   SAE     TRUE   TRUE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 12         grp2 resolved fribble trt2   SAE    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 13         grp1 resolved     foo       SADR     TRUE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 1          grp2 resolved     foo trt3  SADR    FALSE  FALSE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 10         grp2  unknown         trt3 SUSAR     TRUE  FALSE   FALSE  FALSE
#> 4          grp1 improved     foo trt3   SAE     TRUE  FALSE    TRUE   TRUE
#> 7          grp2 resolved     bar trt2   SAE    FALSE   TRUE    TRUE  FALSE
#> 11         grp1    fatal     foo trt2 SUSAR    FALSE  FALSE   FALSE   TRUE
#>    safetymeasure sae_n sae_trtstop sae_trtstart related agesex country_site
#> 9           TRUE     1  2020-10-16   2020-10-16    TRUE   48/M            b
#> 18          TRUE     2        <NA>   2020-10-16   FALSE   61/M            c
#> 19         FALSE     3        <NA>   2020-10-16   FALSE   51/M            j
#> 6           TRUE     4  2020-10-17   2020-10-17   FALSE   72/M            e
#> 14         FALSE     5        <NA>   2020-10-18    TRUE   65/F            e
#> 5           TRUE     6        <NA>         <NA>   FALSE   49/M            e
#> 16          TRUE     7        <NA>         <NA>   FALSE   59/M            l
#> 17         FALSE     8        <NA>         <NA>    TRUE   49/M            d
#> 15          TRUE     9  2020-10-27   2020-10-27   FALSE   73/F            k
#> 2           TRUE    10        <NA>   2020-10-28   FALSE   60/F            f
#> 8           TRUE    11        <NA>   2020-10-28   FALSE   68/F            a
#> 20         FALSE    12  2020-11-02   2020-11-02   FALSE   72/F            d
#> 3           TRUE    13        <NA>   2020-11-03   FALSE   47/F            j
#> 12          TRUE    14  2020-11-03   2020-11-03   FALSE   47/M            j
#> 13         FALSE    15        <NA>         <NA>    TRUE   55/F            b
#> 1          FALSE    16  2020-11-09   2020-11-09   FALSE   54/M            f
#> 10         FALSE    17        <NA>   2020-11-15    TRUE   61/F            n
#> 4          FALSE    18        <NA>   2020-11-18   FALSE   62/M            f
#> 7           TRUE    19  2020-11-19   2020-11-19   FALSE   45/M            m
#> 11          TRUE    20  2020-11-20   2020-11-20   FALSE   57/F            f