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This function creates the text and summary table for the report.


asr_safety_summary(data, period_data, trial_type, n_pat_e, n_per_arm)



SAE data


SAE data restricted to a specific period


trial type (imp, medical device or other)


Number of enrolled participants


Number of participants enrolled per arm



The sentences required for the report


The summary table required for the report


Mapping between the variable name in tab and a nicer label


prepped <- asr_dataprep(asr_sae,
                        period_from = as.Date("2020-10-10"),
                        period_to = as.Date("2021-10-10")
asr_safety_summary(data = prepped$data, period_data = prepped$period_data,
                   "imp", 60, n_per_arm = list(grp1 = 150, grp2 = 150))
#> $txt
#> [1] "During the reporting period, 20 of 60 participants (33.3 %) reported a total of 20 serious adverse events (SAEs)."                                           
#> [2] "9 of 20 SAEs (45.0 %) were classified 'related' to the IMP."                                                                                                 
#> [3] "Most frequent related SAEs (i.e., SADR.) documented were poor sleep (3), spontaneous unconsciousness (3), headache (2)."                                     
#> [4] "6 Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reactions (SUSARs) occurred during the reporting period, which have been notified to the Swiss competent authorities."
#> $txt_all
#> [1] "Since the beginning of the study, 20 of 60 participants (33.3 %) reported a total of 20 serious adverse events (SAEs)."                                      
#> [2] "9 of 20 SAEs (45.0 %) were classified 'related' to the IMP."                                                                                                 
#> [3] "Most frequent related SAEs (i.e., SADR.) documented were poor sleep (3), spontaneous unconsciousness (3), headache (2)."                                     
#> [4] "6 Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reactions (SUSARs) occurred during the reporting period, which have been notified to the Swiss competent authorities."
#> $tab
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#>   desc                                                   fatal   sae  sadr susar
#>   <chr>                                                  <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 Number of cases (during reporting period)                  0    20     5     6
#> 2 Number of cases (cumulative) since the start of the c…     3    17     5     6
#> $tab_map
#>   col_key
#> 1    desc
#> 2   fatal
#> 3     sae
#> 4    sadr
#> 5   susar
#>                                                                     name
#> 1                                                                    IMP
#> 2                       Serious Adverse Events, SAEs, with fatal outcome
#> 3                           Other Serious Adverse Events, non-fatal SAEs
#> 4                  Serious Adverse Drug Reactions, SADRs (only for IMPs)
#> 5 Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reactions, SUSARs (only for IMPs)

# medical devices
prepped <- asr_dataprep(asr_sae, period_from = as.Date("2020-10-10"),
                        period_to = as.Date("2021-10-10"), trial_type = "m")
asr_safety_summary(data = prepped$data,
                           period_data = prepped$period_data, "m", 60,
                            n_per_arm = list(grp1 = NA, grp2 = NA))
#> $txt
#>  [1] "During the reporting period, a total of 20 serious adverse events (SAEs) have been reported."                                                                                                                                                   
#>  [2] "9 out of 20 SAEs (45.0 %) were classified ''related'' to the MD or to an intervention (procedure) undertaken in the clinical trial."                                                                                                            
#>  [3] "In 7 of 20 SAEs (35.0 %) it cannot be excluded that the events are attributable to the medical device under investigation."                                                                                                                     
#>  [4] "In 12 of 20 SAEs (60.0 %) it cannot be excluded that the events are attributable to an intervention undertaken in the clinical trial."                                                                                                          
#>  [5] "The most frequent SAEs documented were spontaneous unconsciousness (7), headache (5), poor sleep (4)."                                                                                                                                          
#>  [6] "Occurrence of SAE in the trial arm versus control arm (if applicable)."                                                                                                                                                                         
#>  [7] "With respect to the expectedness of the event, 4 (44.4 %) of the SADEs were expected/anticipated and 5 (144.4 %) were classified as unexpected/unanticipated."                                                                                  
#>  [8] "11 device deficiencies were observed (includes malfunctions, use errors, inadequacies in the information supplied by the manufacturer including labelling)."                                                                                    
#>  [9] "11 out of 11 device deficiencies (100.0 %) could have led to serious adverse events if suitable action had not been taken, intervention had not been made, or circumstances had been less fortunate (device deficiencies with a SAE potential)."
#> [10] "12 health hazards that required safety-related measures occurred."                                                                                                                                                                              
#> [11] "Safety and protective measures taken by the investigator/sponsor (including those requested by the ethics committee and Swissmedic and authorities abroad) taken in Switzerland and abroad: [free text]"                                        
#> $txt_all
#>  [1] "During the reporting period, a total of 20 serious adverse events (SAEs) have been reported."                                                                                                                                                   
#>  [2] "9 out of 20 SAEs (45.0 %) were classified ''related'' to the MD or to an intervention (procedure) undertaken in the clinical trial."                                                                                                            
#>  [3] "In 7 of 20 SAEs (35.0 %) it cannot be excluded that the events are attributable to the medical device under investigation."                                                                                                                     
#>  [4] "In 12 of 20 SAEs (60.0 %) it cannot be excluded that the events are attributable to an intervention undertaken in the clinical trial."                                                                                                          
#>  [5] "The most frequent SAEs documented were spontaneous unconsciousness (7), headache (5), poor sleep (4)."                                                                                                                                          
#>  [6] "Occurrence of SAE in the trial arm versus control arm (if applicable)."                                                                                                                                                                         
#>  [7] "With respect to the expectedness of the event, 4 (44.4 %) of the SADEs were expected/anticipated and 5 (144.4 %) were classified as unexpected/unanticipated."                                                                                  
#>  [8] "11 device deficiencies were observed (includes malfunctions, use errors, inadequacies in the information supplied by the manufacturer including labelling)."                                                                                    
#>  [9] "11 out of 11 device deficiencies (100.0 %) could have led to serious adverse events if suitable action had not been taken, intervention had not been made, or circumstances had been less fortunate (device deficiencies with a SAE potential)."
#> [10] "12 health hazards that required safety-related measures occurred."                                                                                                                                                                              
#> [11] "Safety and protective measures taken by the investigator/sponsor (including those requested by the ethics committee and Swissmedic and authorities abroad) taken in Switzerland and abroad: [free text]"                                        
#> $tab
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   desc                                                       sade  attr measures
#>   <chr>                                                     <int> <int>    <int>
#> 1 Number of cases (during reporting period)                     0     7       12
#> 2 Number of cases (cumulative) since the start of the clin…     0     7       12
#> $tab_map
#>   col_key
#> 1    desc
#> 2    sade
#> 3   fatal
#> 4     sae
#>                                                                       name
#> 1                                                            MD/IVD Device
#> 2                                      Serious Adverse Device Effects SADE
#> 3 Device Deficiencies that could have led to an SAE (serious deficiencies)
#> 4          Safety and protective measures taken in Switzerland and abroad.

# other trial
asr_safety_summary(data = prepped$data, period_data = prepped$period_data, "o", 60,
 n_per_arm = list(grp1 = 150, grp2 = 150))
#> $txt
#> [1] "During the reporting period, 20 of 60 participants (33.3 %) reported a total of 20 serious adverse events (SAEs) with possible relationship to the study intervention)."
#> [2] "The most frequent documented SAEs with possible relationship to the intervention were poor sleep (3), spontaneous unconsciousness (3), headache (2)."                   
#> $txt_all
#> [1] "Since the beginning of the study, 20 of 60 participants (33.3 %) reported a total of 20 serious adverse events (SAEs) with possible relationship to the study intervention)."
#> [2] "The most frequent documented SAEs with possible relationship to the intervention were poor sleep (3), spontaneous unconsciousness (3), headache (2)."                        
#> $tab
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>   desc                                                              fatal nfatal
#>   <chr>                                                             <int>  <int>
#> 1 Number of cases (during reporting period)                             0      9
#> 2 Number of cases (cumulative) since the start of the clinical tri…     1      8
#> $tab_map
#>   col_key
#> 1    desc
#> 2   fatal
#> 3     sae
#>                                                                               name
#> 1                                                             Other clinical trial
#> 2 SAEs with fatal outcome where a causality to the intervention cannot be excluded
#> 3              Other SAEs where a causality to the intervention cannot be excluded

# tpr trial
asr_safety_summary(data = prepped$data, period_data = prepped$period_data, "t", 60,
 n_per_arm = list(grp1 = 150, grp2 = 150))
#> $txt
#> [1] "During the reporting period, a total of 20 Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) occurred."                                                                                                                      
#> [2] "9 of 20 SAEs (45.0 %) were classified as Serious Adverse Drug Reaction (SADR) i.e., serious adverse events with possible relationship to the TrP/GT/GMO administered."                                   
#> [3] "The most frequent SADR documented were spontaneous unconsciousness (7), headache (5), poor sleep (4)."                                                                                                   
#> [4] "In 3 out of 5 SADRs (60.0 %) it cannot be excluded that the events are attributable to the TrP/GT/GMO itself."                                                                                           
#> [5] "In 2 out of 5 SADRs (40.0 %) it cannot be excluded that the events are attributable to other factors like quality defects, contaminations, administration and preparation procedures of TrP/GT/GMO, etc."
#> [6] "6 Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reactions (SUSARs) occurred during the reporting period."                                                                                                         
#> [7] "Other new relevant safety aspects (including details regarding exposure): "                                                                                                                              
#> $txt_all
#> [1] "Since the beginning of the study, a total of 20 Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) occurred."                                                                                                                 
#> [2] "9 of 20 SAEs (45.0 %) were classified as Serious Adverse Drug Reaction (SADR) i.e., serious adverse events with possible relationship to the TrP/GT/GMO administered."                                   
#> [3] "The most frequent SADR documented were spontaneous unconsciousness (7), headache (5), poor sleep (4)."                                                                                                   
#> [4] "In 3 out of 5 SADRs (60.0 %) it cannot be excluded that the events are attributable to the TrP/GT/GMO itself."                                                                                           
#> [5] "In 2 out of 5 SADRs (40.0 %) it cannot be excluded that the events are attributable to other factors like quality defects, contaminations, administration and preparation procedures of TrP/GT/GMO, etc."
#> [6] "6 Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reactions (SUSARs) occurred during the reporting period."                                                                                                         
#> [7] "Other new relevant safety aspects (including details regarding exposure): "                                                                                                                              
#> $tab
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   desc                                            fatal nfatal nsadr  sadr susar
#>   <chr>                                           <int>  <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 Number of cases (during reporting period)           0     20     0     5     6
#> 2 Number of cases (cumulative) since the start o…     3     17     0     5     6
#> $tab_map
#>   col_key                                                   name
#> 1    desc                                                       
#> 2   fatal                                SAEs with fatal outcome
#> 3  nfatal          Other Serious Adverse Events (non-fatal SAEs)
#> 4   nsadr             Non-Serious Adverse Drug Reactions, NSADRs
#> 5    sadr                  Serious Adverse Drug Reactions, SADRs
#> 6   susar Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reactions, SUSARs