Using `kpitools`
is intended to aid in creating reports on key
performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs must be defined by the user, which
can be a substantial undertaking, but kpitools
then takes
away some of the pain of putting them into a report.
is loaded as any other package, with the
or require functions
Once the KPIs are defined conceptually, it should be clear what type
of indicator one needs to report. For instance, using the
dataset, we may have an indicator for mileage. We’re
not really interested in the individual cars, but at the group of
products as a whole. If the mean mileage is lower than 15, we may have
to take actions to reduce the proportion. In a clinical trial, such
remedial actions might be to retrain staff or, in a particularly serious
case, closing a site completely.
To use kpitools
, we must first load the data and create
the indicators themselves (using whatever method for a given dataset).
To begin with, we will start with the mpg
variable in the
produces summary information on the defined
KPIs. We tell the kpi
function which dataset to use, which
variable to summarize and how to summarize it (kpi
summarizes using the mean by default).
x <- (kpi(data = mtcars,
var = "mpg"))
#> Study level:
#> txt N n_nonmiss stat
#> mpg 32 32 20.09062
We see that the 32 cars have a mean MPG of 20 miles per gallon.
We can improve the output slightly by adding a more meaningful label
via the txt
kpi(data = mtcars,
var = "mpg",
txt = "Miles per gallon")
#> Study level:
#> txt N n_nonmiss stat
#> Miles per gallon 32 32 20.09062
Summary functions
comes with a set of functions for summarizing
the KPIs.
Function | Description |
kpi_fns |
list all KPI summary functions in the package |
Categorical KPIs | |
kpi_fn_n |
takes the sum of objects |
kpi_fn_prop |
calculates the proportion of 1s |
kpi_fn_perc |
as kpi_fn_prop but on percentage
scale |
Numeric KPIs | |
kpi_fn_median |
calculates the median |
kpi_fn_mean |
calculates the mean |
kpi_fn_iqr |
calculates the interquartile range |
kpi_fn_min |
calculates the minimum |
kpi_fn_max |
calculates the maximum |
Generic KPIs | |
kpi_fn_missing |
calculates the percentage of missing values |
These functions are passed to kpi
via the
Say our KPI is on the proportion of cars with an MPG less than 15…
first we create the variable and pass that to kpi
with the
appropriate summary function.
mtcars$mpg15 <- mtcars$mpg < 15
kpi(data = mtcars,
var = "mpg15",
kpi_fn = kpi_fn_perc,
txt = "Milage < 15 MPG")
#> Study level:
#> txt n N n_nonmiss stat
#> Milage < 15 MPG 5 32 32 15.625
Using custom functions
Custom functions can also be utilized. Simply define a function which
accepts a dataframe and performs the summary function of choice on a
variable. The summarised variable should be called
. below is example to summarise the variable by the
fn <- function(x){
x %>%
summarize(stat = var(var))
kpi(mtcars, "mpg", kpi_fn = fn)
#> Study level:
#> txt stat
#> mpg 36.3241
We recommend adding an N
the variable with the number of
observations, which is used for plotting (the size of points is relative
to the number of observations in the group).
We can also look at specific subgroups (e.g. in a clinical trial, we
would be interested in the performance of particular countries or
centers) via the by
argument. Using the mtcars
example, we can use the number of cylinders.
x_by <- (kpi(data = mtcars,
var = "mpg15",
kpi_fn = kpi_fn_perc,
txt = "Milage < 15 MPG",
by = "cyl"))
#> Study level:
#> txt n N n_nonmiss stat
#> Milage < 15 MPG 5 32 32 15.625
#> Grouped by cyl:
#> txt cyl n N n_nonmiss stat
#> Milage < 15 MPG 4 0 11 11 0.00000
#> Milage < 15 MPG 6 0 7 7 0.00000
#> Milage < 15 MPG 8 5 14 14 35.71429
#> No outliers
Here we can see that all of the low mileage cars are in the 8 cylinder group, with 35.7142857% of cars having low mileage.
We can also pass multiple variables to by
(so that we
can consider two levels or more levels of hierarchy simultaneously)
x_by <- (kpi(data = mtcars,
var = "mpg15",
kpi_fn = kpi_fn_perc,
txt = "Milage < 15 MPG",
by = c("cyl", "am")))
#> Study level:
#> txt n N n_nonmiss stat
#> Milage < 15 MPG 5 32 32 15.625
#> Grouped by cyl:
#> txt cyl n N n_nonmiss stat
#> Milage < 15 MPG 4 0 11 11 0.00000
#> Milage < 15 MPG 6 0 7 7 0.00000
#> Milage < 15 MPG 8 5 14 14 35.71429
#> No outliers
#> Grouped by am:
#> txt am n N n_nonmiss stat
#> Milage < 15 MPG 0 5 19 19 26.31579
#> Milage < 15 MPG 1 0 13 13 0.00000
#> No outliers
Here, we see that cars with manual gearboxes are more problematic than those with automatic gearboxes.
Where hierarchies have been used, KPIs can also be visualized by
plotting the object, which returns a list of ggplot2
objects (so that you can modify the plots afterwards; we suggest a wide,
short plot, e.g. fig.width=7, fig.height=1.5
in the R chunk
(p <- plot(x_by))
#> $cyl
#> $am
The size of the points is relative to the number of observations (participants) in the site/group.
contains a ggplot2
which can be
used to remove the y-axis, move the legend and make various other
p$cyl + theme_kpitools()
Modifications can be made to all plots easily via
e.g. lapply
or purrr::map
p <- purrr::map2(p, names(p), function(x, y){
x + # extract the ggplot object
theme_kpitools() + # apply the theme
guides(size = guide_legend(nrow = 1)) + # make other modifications
ggtitle(toupper(y)) + # add a title
breaks = c(0,5,10,15,20), # point sizes for legends
limits = c(0,20)) # limits of the legend
The patchwork
package, for example, could then be used
to arrange the plots
patchwork::wrap_plots(p, ncol = 1)
From summary statistics to risk
It is quite common when talking about KPIs to link a given value of
the summary statistic to a degree of risk. kpitools
provides provisions for this too, via the breakpoints
kpi(data = mtcars,
var = "mpg",
txt = "Milage per gallon",
by = "cyl",
breakpoints = c(0, 20, 30))
#> Study level:
#> txt N n_nonmiss stat risk cols
#> Milage per gallon 32 32 20.09062 high red
#> Grouped by cyl:
#> txt cyl N n_nonmiss stat risk cols
#> Milage per gallon 4 11 11 26.66364 high red
#> Milage per gallon 6 7 7 19.74286 low green
#> Milage per gallon 8 14 14 15.10000 low green
#> No outliers
If the higher numbers of the summary statistic are related to lower
risk, the direction
argument can be used to invert the
label order. The options are either increasing
and abbreviations are accepted.
kpi(data = mtcars,
var = "mpg",
txt = "Milage per gallon",
by = "cyl",
breakpoints = c(0, 20, 30),
direction = "decreasing")
#> Study level:
#> txt N n_nonmiss stat risk cols
#> Milage per gallon 32 32 20.09062 low red
#> Grouped by cyl:
#> txt cyl N n_nonmiss stat risk cols
#> Milage per gallon 4 11 11 26.66364 low red
#> Milage per gallon 6 7 7 19.74286 high green
#> Milage per gallon 8 14 14 15.10000 high green
#> No outliers
By default, the number of breakpoints is used to create variations on
high to low via the risklabs
function. For instance, giving
three to six values as breakpoints produces the following sets of
labels. For more than 5 groups (six breakpoints), labels must be defined
manually. Same concept applies to the riskcols
function to
assign a color to each risk level.
risklabs(c(0, 20, 30))
#> [1] "low" "high"
risklabs(c(0, 20, 30, 40))
#> [1] "low" "moderate" "high"
risklabs(c(0, 20, 30, 40, 50))
#> [1] "very low" "low" "high" "very high"
risklabs(c(0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60))
#> [1] "very low" "low" "moderate" "high" "very high"
It’s simple to override these labels with the risklabels
argument (be careful combining risklabels
with the direction
arguments as the
label order will be inverted).
kpi(data = mtcars,
var = "mpg",
txt = "Milage per gallon",
by = "cyl",
breakpoints = c(0, 20, 30),
risklabels = c("too low", "too high"),
riskcolors = c("pink","blue"))
#> Study level:
#> txt N n_nonmiss stat risk cols
#> Milage per gallon 32 32 20.09062 too high blue
#> Grouped by cyl:
#> txt cyl N n_nonmiss stat risk cols
#> Milage per gallon 4 11 11 26.66364 too high blue
#> Milage per gallon 6 7 7 19.74286 too low pink
#> Milage per gallon 8 14 14 15.10000 too low pink
#> No outliers
Individual KPIs to sets of KPIs
Individual KPIs might be useful for a report where the KPIs are
looked at one after the other in order. It is common, however to have
KPIs reported at one or more levels for that all KPIs for that level are
shown together in e.g. a table. kpitools
provides utilities
for this type of report too.
First, we have to make a kpilist
via the c
x_by2 <- (kpi(data = mtcars,
var = "mpg",
kpi_fn = kpi_fn_mean,
txt = "Milage (MPG)",
by = c("cyl", "am")))
kpis <- c(x_by, x_by2)
Next, we can use kpi_accumulate
to collect all of the
KPIs in a given strata together.
(k <- kpi_accumulate(kpis))
#> $overall
#> txt n N n_nonmiss stat
#> 1 Milage < 15 MPG 5 32 32 15.62500
#> 2 Milage (MPG) NA 32 32 20.09062
#> $cyl
#> $cyl$`4`
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#> txt cyl n N n_nonmiss stat
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Milage < 15 MPG 4 0 11 11 0
#> 2 Milage (MPG) 4 NA 11 11 26.7
#> $cyl$`6`
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#> txt cyl n N n_nonmiss stat
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Milage < 15 MPG 6 0 7 7 0
#> 2 Milage (MPG) 6 NA 7 7 19.7
#> $cyl$`8`
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#> txt cyl n N n_nonmiss stat
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Milage < 15 MPG 8 5 14 14 35.7
#> 2 Milage (MPG) 8 NA 14 14 15.1
#> $am
#> $am$`0`
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#> txt am n N n_nonmiss stat
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Milage < 15 MPG 0 5 19 19 26.3
#> 2 Milage (MPG) 0 NA 19 19 17.1
#> $am$`1`
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#> txt am n N n_nonmiss stat
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Milage < 15 MPG 1 0 13 13 0
#> 2 Milage (MPG) 1 NA 13 13 24.4
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "kpi_accumulate" "list"
We can access the individual tables as with any list object.
# Overall study
#> txt n N n_nonmiss stat
#> 1 Milage < 15 MPG 5 32 32 15.62500
#> 2 Milage (MPG) NA 32 32 20.09062
# 8 cylinder cars
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#> txt cyl n N n_nonmiss stat
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Milage < 15 MPG 8 5 14 14 35.7
#> 2 Milage (MPG) 8 NA 14 14 15.1
If you do not want to split the output by the levels of the
variable, specify split = FALSE
kpi_accumulate(kpis, by = "cyl", split = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#> txt cyl n N n_nonmiss stat
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Milage < 15 MPG 4 0 11 11 0
#> 2 Milage < 15 MPG 6 0 7 7 0
#> 3 Milage < 15 MPG 8 5 14 14 35.7
#> 4 Milage (MPG) 4 NA 11 11 26.7
#> 5 Milage (MPG) 6 NA 7 7 19.7
#> 6 Milage (MPG) 8 NA 14 14 15.1